Means of monitoring software engineering processes, providing adequate assurance that a product or software would meet relevant requirements and quality expectations.
Microsoft's changes also throw a spotlight on whether or not SoftwareAssurance is in your best interest.
The real draw of SoftwareAssurance is upgrade rights, so why have it for Office if you're not upgrading?
Specifically, on July 1, SoftwareAssurance customers will no longer have to buy a separate license to access Windows via a VDI.
There's also the elimination of the SA ( SoftwareAssurance) renewal grace period that throws a monkey wrench into a CIO's timetable for negotiations.
Customers with existing Microsoft SA ( SoftwareAssurance) coverage will receive a discount for Windows Intune that will equal approximately the price of their SA coverage.
Uso de software quality assurance em inglês
Posts include project managers, senior software engineers and softwarequalityassurance engineers.
Sales managers topped the list of most in-demand jobs, followed by softwarequalityassurance engineers and testers, and customer service representatives.